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Update 1: Further training in Mainz - "Minimally Invasive Esophagectomy"

After six months of intensive efforts, I received, just in time, the license certificate necessary to begin scientific work at the University Medical Center in Mainz.

After six months of intensive efforts, I received my license to practice medicine just in time, which is necessary for me to take up scientific work at the University Medical Center in Mainz.

This means that nothing stands in the way of me starting my ESDE-funded further training.

In Switzerland, my professional environment occasionally discusses how challenging it is, especially for German assistant doctors, to find employment in Switzerland and fulfill the necessary requirements for obtaining a professional license. However, one thing has now become clear to me:

The requirements for obtaining a professional license in Germany are no less demanding for a Swiss doctor!

As an Italian-Swiss dual citizen who completed the majority of her medical training in Italy, my diplomas obtained in Italy were recognized without the need for a special examination.

However, foreign doctors must also pass a specialist language test at C1 level in order to obtain a license to practice medicine in Germany.I took this exam at FaMed and traveled from Zurich to Mainz especially for it. One of the tasks there was to act out a consultation with a patient in front of the camera, with extras acting as interlocutors.

Another unexpectedly complicated aspect was obtaining the necessary official certificate of good conduct. This process took four months and required a lot of patience, but little money: I had to pay EUR 13 for it.

I have now rented an apartment in Mainz and plan to move around locally mainly on foot or by bike.

I'm really looking forward to the professional and personal challenges ahead with Prof. Peter Grimminger in Mainz!


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